Prostatitis is inflammation of the prostate gland. It is one of the most common diseases among men. Most men over the age of 30 are affected. If left untreated, the disease develops rapidly and leads to serious complications - infertility, impotence and cancer.
Often, prostatitis manifests itself as painful urination, purulent and bloody discharge in the urine, and sexual dysfunction.

The prostate is an organ that produces sperm and controls urination. It is located below the bladder. Consists of three departments. During ejaculation, the prostate gland begins to contract, pushing seminal fluid through the urethra. This gland is involved in limiting urinary incontinence, in the formation of an erection, and in the production of sperm.
Prostate juice contains a large amount of protein, fat, enzymes, and even some vitamins. The juice dilutes the seminal fluid, thereby promoting sperm viability. The prostate gland is an active organ. It depends on the level of hormones and it itself participates in the formation of sex hormones.
It is difficult to identify the exact cause that triggers the development of prostatitis in certain people. Most likely, it will be a complex of factors that, to one degree or another, lead to problems.
Let's consider the causes and factors that can contribute to the development of prostatitis:
- Hypothermia and stress. The body's defenses are reduced, which contributes to the appearance of the inflammatory process.
- Hormonal imbalance. The level of sex hormones affects the activity of the prostate gland.
- Sexually transmitted infections and urinary tract infections.
- Various mechanism disorders in the body: urinary disorders, congestion in the pelvis. A hypodynamic lifestyle and tight underwear interfere with blood circulation in the pelvis. And problems with urination contribute to the irritation of glandular tissue and cause prostatitis. Constipation can also be considered a predisposing factor.
- Prolonged abstinence from sexual intercourse, interrupted sexual intercourse or artificial prolongation of sexual intercourse. This leads to the enlargement of the gland and its inflammation.
- Poor nutrition and alcohol abuse.
Infection of the prostate gland can occur in 4 ways:
- Descending - entering with the flow of urine.
- Ascending - up along the urethra.
- Lymphogenic - along with lymph flow.
- Hematogenous - along with the bloodstream.
Symptoms and signs of prostatitis
Symptoms of prostatitis can vary. According to the nature of the course, there are acute and chronic prostatitis.
Common symptoms of prostatitis include the following:
- problems with urination - it is frequent, intermittent and difficult;
- erectile dysfunction;
- burning sensation in groin;
- cloudy urine and contains fiber;
- orgasm is not bright;
- increased fatigue;
- decreased potency;
- depression, anxiety.
Acute prostatitis most often begins with an increase in body temperature to 39-40 degrees. The prostate gland swells, causing problems urinating. It is difficult and accompanied by pain.
During exacerbation of prostatitis, the patient experiences pain in the perineum, as well as in the rectum, groin, and sacrum.
Acute prostatitis can be catarrhal, follicular and parenchymal. Features of acute prostatitis:
- Acute follicular prostatitis is characterized by weak flow pressure during urination. It is accompanied by strong pain, which can radiate to the anal area, especially intensifying during defecation. A slight increase in temperature is possible.
- Acute parenchymal prostatitis is characterized by unexpected pain with throbbing in the perineal area. Body intoxication is observed, the temperature can reach 40 degrees. Often accompanied by urinary retention.
- Catarrhal acute prostatitis causes pain in the perineum, frequent urination, and pain when urinating.
Chronic prostatitis can develop from an acute form, but more often it immediately develops into a chronic form. Symptoms are erased, without obvious signs and manifestations.
Symptoms and signs caused by chronic prostatitis:
- decreased erection and libido;
- decreased flow pressure during urination;
- cramps and pain when urinating;
- pain in the perineum, anus, sacrum.
Since the signs of chronic prostatitis are not clearly expressed, patients often do not pay attention to the symptoms for a long time, which worsens its development and can cause complications.
Diagnosis of prostatitis
Medicines do not stop, and diagnosing prostatitis is not difficult. After collecting the anamnesis, the doctor may prescribe various diagnostic methods to confirm the diagnosis of prostatitis.
- Palpation of the prostate through the rectum to diagnose prostatitis. It will reveal pain and increased size, and these are characteristic signs of the inflammatory process in it, and during palpation, secretions from the prostate gland are released, which are sent for analysis.
- Ultrasound examination.
- Microscopic examination of prostate secretions.
- Bacteriological examination of urine.
- Smears of mucous membranes and glandular secretions for infection.
- Analysis of smears from the urethra to determine sexually transmitted infections that can cause prostatitis.
- Blood test to determine sex hormones.

These diagnostic measures help not only to confirm the diagnosis, because in general the symptoms are quite obvious, but also to identify the cause of the disease.
Treatment of prostatitis
Currently, there are many treatment options for prostatitis. This includes traditional methods and folk medicine methods. Traditional medicine can serve as a complement to basic therapy. It is dangerous to treat prostatitis on your own, as this can cause complications.
Doctors always use traditional medical methods to treat prostatitis. This helps relieve swelling, severe inflammation and normalizes the function of the prostate gland.
Usually a complex of various methods is prescribed:
- rectal suppositories. Reduces pain and relieves inflammation;
- injections;
- non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
- instillation - medicine is injected directly into the prostate;
- microenemas;
- tablet medicine. Often, antibacterial drugs;
- alpha blockers.
The set of therapeutic measures is selected individually, depending on the stage of the disease, the manifestation of symptoms and the expected therapeutic effect for the patient.
If the bacterial cause of prostatitis is identified, then broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed that can destroy several types of bacteria. They can be in the form of suppositories, and in the form of tablets, and in the form of injections.
Pain relievers are used to relieve pain.
Alpha blockers - help to relax the muscles of the urethra, which is a consequence of prostatitis. To relieve tension in the perineal area, various muscle relaxants are used.
The necessary steps are to improve blood circulation to relieve congestion and take vitamins.
Various physiotherapeutic procedures and prostate massage are mandatory for the treatment of prostatitis. Prostate massage is used for all forms and stages of disease development; it improves blood circulation and squeezes secretions with pathogenic environment into the urethra.
Some scientists have become skeptical about this method of treating prostatitis, arguing that the pathogenic environment penetrates further into the genitourinary system and contributes to the inflammation of other organs. Experiments are underway, this point of view has not been refuted or clinically proven, therefore massage is an important method of treating prostatitis.
Traditional treatment at home
Traditional medicine is often used in the treatment of prostatitis at home. If chronic prostatitis is diagnosed, then additional therapy with folk remedies will be very helpful. It will not be superfluous in the case of acute manifestations of prostatitis, however, treatment only at home is unacceptable.
Among the popular methods, the following can be called quite effective:
- Treatment of prostatitis with pumpkin seeds. Pumpkin seeds contain a large amount of zinc, which is necessary for men, regardless of whether they have prostatitis.
- Treatment of prostatitis with parsley - helps relieve inflammation and normalize sexual function. Contains a large amount of vitamins.
- Treatment of prostatitis with infusion of hemlock and celandine. This method should be used with caution, as this herb is poisonous and strict adherence to dosage and dosing regimen is necessary.
- Treatment of prostatitis with wormwood. Used to relieve inflammation and eliminate purulent infections.
- Treatment of prostatitis with garlic, dill, hazelnut, chestnut, propolis, herbs, etc.
Most of these methods aim to relieve the inflammatory process and normalize sexual function. A large number of different vitamins fill the body, which play a role in the prevention of exacerbation of prostatitis.
As a result of prostatitis
If you refuse and if treatment for prostatitis is not started on time, there is a high probability of experiencing serious complications. Among the complications:
- infertility;
- erectile dysfunction;
- BPH;
- prostate cancer and others.
If treatment is refused, the infection will spread further into nearby tissues. Other prostate diseases may also develop, including stones and cysts.
With prostatitis, the level of sex hormones decreases, which leads to a decrease in sexual desire (libido). Erectile dysfunction begins, and premature ejaculation may occur. Impotence is possible.
Prostatitis also leads to infertility. This problem is very common in patients who have experienced chronic prostatitis. This complication was observed in half of these patients.
Sclerosis of the prostate gland may develop. In this case, the gland partially or completely stops working. This problem is accompanied by severe pain, sexual dysfunction, and urinary problems.
Prostate adenoma and prostate cancer are the most dangerous complications of prostatitis.
Problems and complications caused by prostatitis, one way or another, affect men's sex life. This leads to psychological problems, stress and depression.
It is important to carefully monitor the signs to recognize chronic prostatitis in time.
Prevention of prostatitis
Exacerbation prevention aims to monitor health and identify problems in time. Since in most cases prostatitis is the result of an untreated disease of the genitourinary system, special attention should be paid to the treatment of the disease.
Prostatitis is considered a disease that is easier to prevent than to cure.
Of the prevention methods, the most important are:
- Sports activities. They work to improve blood circulation in the pelvis, prevent the appearance of congestion, and strengthen the pelvic muscles.
- Fixed sex life. Drugs to prolong artificial sexual intercourse, interrupted sexual intercourse, and suppression of ejaculation are undesirable.
- Rejection of free association. Violent sex life leads to sexually transmitted infections.
- Proper and healthy nutrition.
- Quit alcohol.
- Strengthens the body's defenses, avoids hypothermia.
- Minimize stress.
Prostatitis has a low rate of self-healing or home treatment. Therefore, at the first signs, you should immediately contact a urologist to prescribe adequate treatment. You also need to carefully monitor the signs that indicate chronic prostatitis and consult a doctor in time.